Description: The Cantors of Christ the King study, rehearse, and perform music for Mass in a crucial music leadership role, with the aim to elevate and make more noble the celebration of Mass.
Mission: To glorify God, to sanctify the faithful, and to elevate the Mass with beautiful sacred music. The liturgy and the Eucharist demand the very best we have to offer. Therefore, we give Him our best, and serve the congregation with a Christ-centered attitude, with our musical preparation reflecting this wonderful responsibility.
Interested in serving as a cantor? Please email Alex McCune at [email protected]. All prospective cantors will meet up with Alex to learn about the cantor responsibilities and what the role requires.
Cantors should be skilled and experienced singers, because they serve in a crucial leadership role with important responsibilities. A cantor's leadership in worship affects the liturgy for our entire parish. Similar to organists, pianists, and music directors, cantors are to be chosen based on their proficiency, in addition to their desire to serve. This is directed by the church in Musicam Sacram:
“Whenever, for a liturgical service which is to be celebrated in sung form, one can make a choice between various people, it is desirable that those who are known to be more proficient in singing be given preference.”
- Musicam Sacram, Instruction on Music in the Liturgy (Vatican II, 1967)
“Provision should be made for at least one or two properly trained singers, especially where there is no possibility of setting up even a small choir. The singer will present some simpler musical settings, with the people taking part, and can lead and support the faithful as far as is needed. The presence of such a singer is desirable even in churches which have a choir, for those celebrations in which the choir cannot take part but which may fittingly be performed with some solemnity and therefore with singing.”
- Musicam Sacram, Instruction on Music in the Liturgy (Vatican II, 1967)