Congratulations! A young person has specially chosen you to journey with them towards Confirmation. You have accepted an responsibility that is honor in the Catholic church.
The role of the sponsor is to walk spiritually with the candidate through the Confirmation process and to present the candidate on behalf of the community to the Bishop during the Rite of Confirmation. However, your journey with your candidate does not stop there. By being a sponsor, you are committing to helping your candidate fulfill their Baptismal promises after Confirmation.
As canon law states: "Pastors must ascertain the spiritual qualifications of sponsors. The spnsor for any candidate may be male or female and is to be sufficiently mature, a practicing Catholic, who has him/herself been confirmed and has not been prohibited by law from exercising the role of sponsor. One of the Baptismal sponsors is not only allowed, but is in fact desired as the Confirmation sponsor, so as to emphasize the relationship between Baptism and Confirmation." (Canon 893).