The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic international volunteer organization whose mission is to help the poor. It was founded in Paris in 1833 by Blessed Frederic Ozanam.
The CTK Conference assists with emergency food, rent, utilities and other necessities within parish boundaries. Our primary purpose is to bring the hope, love, and peace of Christ to those who are suffering. Each request for assistance is determined after a confidential review and our present resources. All monetary and food donations are targeted to the specific, current needs of the poor. We meet on the first and third Wednesdays, 5:30 pm in the St Padre Pio room of the Parish Office . Come join us!
We are in partnership with the Oregon Food Bank.
How We Help:
The following is a list of some of the things we do to help our brothers and sisters in need.
Food: Call 503-235-8431, Monday–Friday to shop at the pantry or to have food delivered.
The food pantry is open:
Saturdays 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
We are an equal opportunity provider.
The SVDP Emergency assistance office is located at 8101 SE Cornwell St. Portland OR. Phone 503-235-8431
Hours: 9:00 AM–4:00 PM Monday-Friday.
How You Can Help:
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul invites interested persons to help in our ministry with the following:
1. Volunteer one Saturday a month 9:45 AM-12:00 PM at the pantry located behind the parish office.
2. Deliver food on Friday or Saturday mornings to the homebound.
3. Pick up food from the Oregon Food Bank on Fridays, or bread from Dave's Killer Bread.
4. Other Food pick ups or deliveries when needed.
5. Phone Assistance on Tuesdays or Fridays at the Portland Council.
Special Help Needed for Annual Christmas Food Box Delivery
1. Fill an empty food box.
2. Move and organize boxes.
3. Deliver food boxes.
4. Make phone calls.
5. Assist with routing.
Become a SVdP Member
Attend bi-monthly meetings, Vincentian Formation, Annual Mass and Appreciation/Awards Dinner, Hold an office, Grant writer
Donations can be mailed:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Christ the King Conference
7414 SE Michael Dr.
Milwaukie, OR 97222